Saturday, March 30, 2013

MUSKOKA TRISUMMIT / May 3 - 5th, 2013

WHAT is the Muskoka TriSummit?

Triboutique is proud to be involved with Canada’s largest triathlon conference featuring world renowned and legendary Joe Friel as the keynote speaker. In addition to Joe Friel, eleven other industry leading professional athletes and coaches will be covering endurance sports training and racing topics that are abundant and go beyond the norm...this conference covers it all:

• Field Testing
• Recovery Techniques
• Minimalist Running
• Essential Gear and Bike Fitting
• Winter and Off Road Triathlon
• Injury Patterns in Sport: Prevention and Rehabilitation
• How to get your kids ready for triathlon.
• Swim , Bike and Run clinics.

On May 5th, it is a full day of hands on clinics with top notch pros and coaches from across Ontario.  We are also having group rides and runs led by the speakers.


Here's your chance to attend the Muskoka TriSummit Conference for FREE!  Canada's largest endurance sports conference in beautiful Muskoka.

When ten (10) or more of your club members register for the Muskoka TriSummit you will receive one free registration.  All your club members have to do is to identify their affiliation to your club or coaching service on the registration form.  You can do what you want with this free registration...keep it for yourself to use, or use it as a "raffle prize" within your organization. We hope to see you and your club members attend this amazing event!

Where is all the information located?

For conference details head to our site,  On the main page, there is everything: TriSummit program, registration, accommodations with special TriSummit rates, and a dining guide.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us at this email address:

Monday, November 12, 2012

Tips for Holiday Shopping: Shipping Timelines, Gift Ideas

The 2012 holiday shopping season is here. Here are a few tips that can help you get the right gift on time.

All of our orders ship ground from Vancouver, BC unless requested otherwise via phone or email. We recommend allowing extra delivery time the further you shipping address is from our warehouse. Delivery to remote areas can take up to 2 weeks:

Toronto 4-5 days
Montreal/Ottawa 5-6 days
Calgary/Edmonton      2-3 days
Regina 3-4 days
Winnipeg 4-5 days
Halifax 6-8 days
St John's 8-10 days
Whitehorse 5-6 days
Yellowknife 5-6 days

Rush orders are processed on a request basis. Please contact us via email before you place your or immediately afterwards to upgrade your order to Air Mail. We will quickly inform you of the estimated delivery time and any additional charge.

Ideally, we would also recommend allowing enough time for an exchange should it be needed. Example: If you live in Toronto, order three weeks ahead: one week for initial delivery then two weeks for the exchange process if required.

Some cool & popular items for the season are:

You can always purchase one of our electronic Gift Certificates, which can be delivered via email or snail mail at no extra charge.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Holiday Gift Guide for Triathletes, Swimmers, Cyclists & Runners

Looking for the perfect gift for your favourite athlete? Here are some considerations to help you pick stocking stuffers, as well as some hot gear that might not fit under the Christmas tree!

Triathletes: One particularity about triathletes is the amount of time spent training due to the nature of the sport. As such, products such as the 2012 Finis Swimp3 2G help make those long swims more fun by allowing swimmers to listen to music while in the water. Hydration is also particularly important on 100km+ bike rides. This is why the large capacity Speedfil Hydration System is a must. Finally, Compression Socks have become a bit of phenomenon for long distance runners. Great brands such as 2XU, Zensah and CEP have engineered some great running socks.

Swimmers: Although we are far from outdoor swimming season, avid swimmers will inevitably spend some quality time in the pool this winter. Some of our swim goggles have had great reviews, notably the Zoggs Predator Flex Polarized, which works great for the pool as well as open water. Another consideration would be the Women's Zoggs Athena goggles. Swim watches that automatically count your laps in the pool - as well as strokes, calories etc. - are hot this season. The Swimovate Poolmate and Finis Swimsense are definitely the way to go here.

Cyclists: What better time to do some bike maintenance than winter? The Park Tool PCS-10 is a great bike stand and key for fast and efficient maintenance and repairs. Combine with the AK-37 Toolkit and the Big Blue Book of Bike Repair to complete the arsenal. Anti chafing creams are also recommended for most cyclists, DZ Nuts and Hoo Ha Ride Glide are premium creams made specifically for men and women respectively.

Runners: A great stocking stuffer for runners is the Yankz! Sure lace system, which will fit virtually any running shoe. For those runners with an iPhone, the Wahoo Fitness Run Pack helps listen to music while keeping track of you heart rate directly on your phone.To stay hydrated, the new FuelBelt Revenge R2O holds up to two 7oz bottles for on-the-go hydration. Finally, to protect the head against the sun, rain etc. and regulate its temperature, we recommend the moisture-wicking 2XU Run Cap.

Not sure what to get? Get the gift certificate: pick your desired amount, enter the recipient email address and you are done.

Need more info? Check out our Holiday Gift Section or feel free to contact us via our Web Form.

Happy Holiday Shopping!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Ironman Canada 2011: Lessons of a First-time Ironman Finisher

I recently took part in what was going to be the culmination of my triathlon career: Ironman Canada 2011 in Penticton, BC. While finishing was the primary goal, here is how I believe I could have had a better experience, reduced the pain and potentially improved my time by 30 mins+ ...

  • Preparation: Maintain best practices such as testing the wetsuit, bike and running gear as soon as you arrive at your destination. Things do shift around when travelling, bike handling might change and some small items might get lost.
  • Fast swimmers: If you're planning to swim under 1.10, move to the front to minimize the "washing machine" effect.
  • Slow Swimmers: Swim defensively as being kicked or elbowed is highely likely. Ideally, draft off a swimmer with a similar pace.
  • Passing on the bike: To minimize the risk of crashing or being penalized for drafting, I would recommend passing when speeds are low: immediately out of transition, during uphills, at aid stations. Avoid passing in downhills and/or windy spots.
  • Hydrating on the bike:  If you're planning to pick up bottled water and drinks, make sure you are okay to throw away your initial set of waterbottles.
  • Picking your line: a number of athletes had mechanical issues, most of which were flats. A great way to avoid them is to pick a clean line and avoid dirty shoulders.
  • Hydrating on the run: Unfortunately, you will always start your run at the hottest time of the day. If the temperature becomes an issue, try to lower your core temperature low by using cold sponges and ice. I also learned that salt intake must increase as temperature climbs. Unfortunately, I ran out of Salt Capsules 10 miles in and have to eat a lot of salty pretzels and potassium to make the cramps go away. While they are a good substitute, they made my stomach feel full, which is never a good thing when running. Do not hesitate to walk for 30-60 seconds to avoid stomach issues and cramping.
  • Transition: My transitions were longer given that I elected to use fully padded cycle shorts for the bike and switch to compression running shorts. Look around for any miscellaneous items on the ground before setting off. My T2 could have been faster had I poured fresh water on my face going in. The sweat and salt mixture temporarily blinded me while trying to locate my running gear.
Any triathlete capable of a Half Iron distance should consider the Ironman distance. While it takes far more preparation and commitment, it is my most rewarding sports experience to date!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Tips on flat tires

So it's 6am on race day at the Subaru Vancouver Half Ironman, wetsuit is almost on, when I discover that my front tire has lost  its pressure overnight, while in the transition area. Here are some lessons I learned:

1. Do not assume that because the bike was checked the day before, it will be fine that morning.

2. In addition to the usual tire repair kit on your bike (Tube, CO2, levers, hand pump, patches etc.), consider carrying a floor pump, a couple of spare of tubes and a spare tire (even if it's an older one) in your transition bag. Spare tire is a must when running tubulars.

3. If you choose not to carry a spare tire then opt for a few tire boots.

4. Wait until race morning to full inflate the tires. It makes detecting issues easier and prevents heat punctures if the bike has to stay in the transition are for extended peridos of time in the sun.

5. If you are going to be riding rough roads, consider some puncture-resistant slime tubes. Even though they are slightly heavier, changing flats, especially on sprint or olympic races, can lead to a significant time deficit.

Despite all these precaution, you might still find yourself in a situation where you have to change your tubes or tires unexpectedly. In which case, staying calm and focused will help you get the job done faster and more efficiently, without impacting your ability to get to finish line in a respectable time!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Sugar vs Salt?

While on a 170km ride in Penticton BC last month, I had a near bonk-experience which was partly caused by the nutrition I had selected for the ride. In fact I carried almost exclusively - sweet - carbohydrates, in both liquid and solid form.

As a matter of fact, most of today's sports drinks contain unreasonably high amounts of sugar. However, from a processing perspective, the sweeter the drink the slower it is absorbed by the body.

Another important aspect of nutrition for endurance events over 4-5 hours is the need to compensate for the loss of salt. The water we consume dilutes the amount of salt in our body, which in turn does not allow cells to function normally. The lack of salt can cause what is known as Hyponatremia, which is a metabolic condition in which there is not enough sodium (salt) in the body fluid outside the cells.

While you may be able to finish an Ironman without enough carbohydrates, you will not likely make it if you get dehydrated. As such, SaltStick capsules, Elete Electrolyte Add-in and Hammer Endurolytes are great to take on longer rides and races to ensure proper re-hydration, which we now know includes both water AND salt!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Triathlon shorts or Trisuits?

When it comes to selecting your race day clothing, we've compiled a few advantages of the two most popular options out there: one-piece trisuits and two-piece tri tops + shorts. While both have their advantages, the ultimate decision factors will be comfort and personal preference. Whichever set up you decide to go with, make sure to wear it while training first!

  • Popular amongst elite and high ranking age group athletes.
  • Better hydro-dynamics swimming without a wetsuit.
  • Increased comfort.
  • Prevent "plumber's crack", "muffin top" and lower back sun burns on the bike. 

Tri shorts & Tri Top
  • Recommended if two different sizes are needed.
  • Easy bathroom breaks.
  • Ability to mix different colors and styles.
  • Generally less expensive.